Hands-on Learning Solutions With Our World-Class ConsultantsWhat We Can Help You With
Carver & Associates offers extensive programming for all levels of leaders, executives to frontline, available in both interactive virtual learning workshop format, and in-person classroom sessions. Many of the curriculum is approprioate for individual contributors as well.
Leadership Essentials
Relationships & Emotional Intelligence
Strategic Thinking
Leading Teams & Managing People
Diversity & Inclusion
Operational Effectiveness
Business Transformation & Innovation
Leadership Essentials
Role of a Leader
A catalyst leader ignites action in others. Participants complete a catalyst leader self-assessment and explore the qualities of a catalyst leader, and gain insights on the distinctions between managing and leading and considerations for balancing the two.
Courageous Leadership
Participants assess courageous behaviors via the Courageous Leader Profile and gain an understanding of the three courage behaviors and how to apply them; explore the relationship between courage and vulnerability.
Addressing Conflict Productively
Participants assess their beliefs and approaches to handling conflict and learn how to tackle challenging conversations, confront colleagues, and resolve conflict by creating an environment where people feel safe taking chances and speaking up. Practice challenging conversations.
Authentic Leadership
Participants engage in an array of self-assessments to gain insight and feedback on the five qualities of an authentic leader and identify actions they can take to lead with greater authenticity.
Leading Cohesive Virtual Teams
Leaders explore the 5 behaviors essential for a cohesive, virtual team. Learn how to take steps to develop a foundation of trust and establish psychological safety for their virtual team. Examine team norms and re-establish routines, and gain communication approaches for ensuring virtual team morale and role clarity.
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders
Creates impactful leaders through the process of vision, alignment and execution. Personalized insights in the profile helps leaders leverage their natural strengths. Includes a research-validated, online assessment that produces a 23-page leader-specific profile report that provides detailed context-specific feedback based on the three-step Vision, Alignment, and Execution Model and the three drivers associated with each step.
Everything DiSC 363 For Leaders
Elevates leadership effectiveness with a dynamic 360-degree feedback tool plus 3 personalized strategies for leaders to put into action immediately. The richness of Everything DiSC® comes together with the research-based Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership framework to help any leader—emerging high-potentials and experienced executives alike—incorporate critical feedback from direct reports, peers, and bosses into a development plan to increase their effectiveness in a leadership role. Whether coaching one-on-one or working with small groups of aspiring leaders, this powerful set of resources includes tips, techniques, and step-by-step guidance to help you introduce Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders into an organization, get buy-in from senior leadership, determine the scope and timeline for implementation, and deliver a fully customizable 360-degree feedback and coaching offering that meets your client’s specific leadership development needs.
Strategic Thinking
Thinking Agility: Introduction to Whole Brain Thinking
Learn whole brain® strategies and approaches to build your thinking agility in order to:
- Accelerate business outcomes
- Optimize the way work gets done and problems are solved
- Improve communication and collaboration
- Tap into and manage the diversity of thought today’s challenges require.
Thinking Agility through Whole Brain Thinking – Parts I & II
Learning and working are becoming one and the same, and agility is a major competitive advantage for teams and organizations. Participants gain strategies for agile thinking and learn to tap the “brain trust” within their team/organization to think in new ways.
Thinking and Leading Strategically
Leaders learn steps and utilize tools to develop a strategic mind-set; gain an overview and framework for thinking strategically; identify how to use information to generate strategic insights.
Introduction to Roadmapping Concepts
Participants are introduced to the concepts of roadmapping and are challenged to apply new tools and methods to their current business strategies. This session is meant to encourage managers to:
- Think expansively about the potential of their business
- Question the clarity of the business destination (and how well it is understood)
- Define strategic focus areas
- Consider new ways of working
- Understand the capabilities, which must be built in order to achieve breakthrough results
Strategic Planning Through Alignment – Part I – Develop Your One-Page Strategic Plan
Participants are led through a proven, comprehensive and coordinated process for strategic planning which aligns the company’s values and goals, and provides a bridge between your current state and your desired future, all resulting in a one-page strategic plan. Concepts are based on the book, Strategic Alignment: Success Through Values-Driven Leadership, published by Jeffrey O. Evans in 2020.
Strategic Planning Through Alignment – Part II – Implementation to Ensure Results
With the one-page strategic plan in hand, participants are shown how to ensure success in achieving strategic initiatives and goals through careful alignment with your management system and structure.
Diversity & Inclusion
Driving Results through Diversity & Inclusion
Participants explore differences and similarities, and gain strategies to bridge the differences gap and achieve greater results. Explore the full spectrum of diversity and the power of creating a culture that values differences.
Recognizing Unconscious Bias
Participants increase their understanding of what unconscious biases (implicit associations) are, where they come from, & how they manifest. Introduce & practice using communication tools that can lead to increased understanding and reduced negative impact of our biases. Explore what factors help and hinder a workplace environment that supports mitigating biases.
Micro Behaviors with the Macro Impact
To explore small behaviors with an expensive collective impact. Negative gestures, tones and snubs that we demonstrate, unknowingly, toward our colleagues and clients can cause them to shut down and withdraw. Positive intention does not often allow for positive impact. Participants will gain insights into how differences between diversity dimensions such as gender, ethnic and racial groups, religion, etc. can hinder group effectiveness by creating micro-inequities. The positive version of micro behaviors will be explored as well with the challenge to put them in play daily. Tools for navigating through micro-behaviors for effective results will be employed.
A Sharp Tongue, a Strong Heart and the Will to Survive
Micro aggressions are small, intentional and unintentional slights at individuals who hold membership in America’s minority and subcultural groups. There are no effective subtle ways to respond to micro aggressions. With a sharp tongue and strong Will to defend one’s right to self-respect and self-determination, one must develop an effective repertoire of responses to confront the unaware offender.
Developing Intercultural Competence
Intercultural competence is the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities. It has been identified as a critical capability in a number of studies focusing on effectiveness, adaptation and job performance. Participants will:
- Develop a shared understanding of what intercultural competence means within their organization.
- Receive an Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) assessment which includes an IDI Profile and Individual Development Plan describing their level of intercultural competence.
- Apply individual profile results to goals and engage in action planning.
- Learn how to build intercultural competence to achieve diversity and inclusion goals and outcomes for the organization.
Sexual Harassment: The Role of the Leader
Introduction to the fundamentals of sexual harassment, how to create a culture of respect and avoid business risks associated with sexual harassment in the workplace. Participants will become aware of the following:
- “Once and For All” Introduction
- What is Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment?
- What is Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment?
- How to Handle a Complaint (Culture of Respect)
Conversations on Race, Racism and Anti-Racism
Race has been defined as a socially constructed, pseudoscientific concept that divides the human population into separate categories based on genetically transmitted physical characteristics. Racism is based on the belief that certain groups are inherently superior or inferior to others. As a result, valuable societal resources are unequally distributed to individuals based on their membership in various racial groups. Anti-racism demands that conscious, progressive actions be taken to work toward the elimination of racism in America. Participants will be able to:
- Understand the historical role of race and racism in American society.
- Identify contemporary manifestations of race and racism.
- Develop an understanding of institutional and systemic racism.
- Gain clarity on language utilized to identify and describe racist behaviors and practices (bias, discrimination, microaggressions, white supremacy, etc.)
- Distinguish the difference between individual behavior and systemic racism.
What We’re Talking About: Discussions on Cultural, Racial and Ethnic Bias in the Workforce
Racial groups are socially constructed divisions of the human population that separate groups of individuals into categories based on genetically transmitted physical characteristics. Ethnic groups are a community or population made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent, most often tied to national origin. Culture is defined as the way we live and include our beliefs, values, behaviors, social practices, and the way we view the world. While we all have a certain infinity for members of our own group, at what point are our actions and behaviors a result of racial, ethnic, or cultural bias? Participants in this seminar will gain:
- Clarification of how we view ourselves and how we view others
- The ability to recognize bias and acknowledge unintentional consequences
- The ability to engage coworkers in constructive conversations about the impact of bias in the workplace
- Knowledge/information on how to develop action plans to help eliminate bias and other forms of discrimination in the workplace
Common Ground: How Communities of Color View Racism, Bias and Social Oppression
In the past several decades, new terminology has emerged to describe all of America’s non-white populations. They are euphemistically referred to as “communities of color” or people of color. Who are these communities of color? Are they all victims of racism, social bias and social oppression? Do they share a common bond, or do they view their experiences with race and racism as uniquely tailored to their particular group? Participants will learn about:
- The history of race and racism in America
- The ability to identify the nation’s communities of color
- The linkage between racial/ethnic group membership and opportunities for employment
- Opportunities to encourage communities of color to leverage their shared experiences with racism, social bias and social oppression
- Strategies to diversify the workforce
Changing the Corporate Climate: How to be an Anti-Racist
The day-to-day, month to month and year-to-year activities of businesses and multifaceted institutions are often referred to as the corporate climate. How does it feel to belong, to be perceived and accepted as a valued member of the “firm?” Does your organization have a history of bias and discrimination, intentionally or unintentionally, against people of color? How can you bring about change? Participants will be provided with information on models for social change, including: A E A E – Acknowledge, Educate, Action and Engagement.
- Acknowledgment that the problem or issue has impacted the organization.
- Education on the history, etiology of racist practices in the organization.
- Ability to devise a plan of Action to help ameliorate the problem.
- Make a commitment to fully Engage in progressive action over an extended period of time.
Can We Talk? How to Respond to Concerns About Racial Bias
Current social discourse in America surrounds conversations on race, racism, ethnicity, culture, and religion. There are daily reports of anti-Black, anti-Asian, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, and other forms of victimization of individuals perceived as the “other.” What’s the proper response? Participants will learn:
- How to engage in constructive dialogue when employees are confronted with issues related to racial bias?
- That the best offense is not the best defense. One must be willing to “let down their guard” to receive messages from others about experiences and perceptions of workplace bias.
- Gain insights and self-awareness of the experience of others.
Effective Communication
Communicating with Influence & Impact
Participants gain tools and strategies for developing and delivering influential presentations while increasing overall presence, clarity of message, and the confidence to express one’s ideas with conviction.
Sorry, Not Sorry – Communicating with Confidence
Participants will learn about frequently used words and phrases that keep us small, and undermine our credibility, confidence and effectiveness when communicating with others.
Participants learn aspects of our speech – the words and phrases we use and what we can do to minimize our ineffective speech habits. While these bad speech habits are not exclusive to women, we certainly are frequent offenders of these speech tendencies in the workplace – far more often than men.
Public Speaking
Participants will learn what makes an effective speaker. They will gain experience in writing and delivering speeches. They will understand two basic components of an effective speech: 1) well defined content and 2) professional presence delivery skills.
Communicating With Video in a Post-COVID World
Everyone is traveling less today, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t get your message out to your employees and customers. It just takes a system of well-designed, professionally produced video productions. A well-defined video production campaign can and should be a key component to your marketing and communications plan.
The 5 Most Important Conversations for Leaders & Teams
Participants gain vital communication skills as well as authentic leadership capacities. And in the end teams become more purposeful, connected and productive. You are not handed cookie-cutter scripts. You walk away with something more powerful. You get frameworks and mindsets that will help you and your team not only have the critical conversations needed to achieve goals but also to have them in a way that honors each other’s dignity and engenders trust. The approach is both engaging and effective—drawing on strengths-based leadership, neuroscience, psychology and film.
Relationships &
Emotional Intelligence
Connecting for Success
Learn to assess and expand your current network, gain strategies to engage and make connections more effectively to accomplish individual and business goals, and use social networking to your advantage.
Developing Emotional Intelligence Part I
EQ (Emotional Quotient) skills drive our internal world, as well as our response to the external world. Successful leaders are able to manage appropriate internal emotional reactions and their external responses to situations. Building self-awareness and stronger EQ prepares managers to expand their leadership capacity. Includes a self conducted EQ assessment that helps participants identify their emotional quotient strengths and developmental opportunities.
Developing Emotional Intelligence Part II
EQ (Emotional Quotient) skills drive our internal world, as well as our response to the external world. EQ Part II – this session focuses on Empathy and Personal Resilience. (pre-requisite is Developing EQ Part I)
Everything DiSC Agile EQ
Helps participants at all levels, in all roles develop the emotional intelligence necessary for a thriving agile culture in today’s unpredictable work environments. Includes a research-validated, online assessment that produces a 26-page profile that helps learners discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions, recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to them, and gain actionable strategies to become more agile in their approach to social and emotional situations.
Everything DiSC Workplace
Engages every individual in building more effective relationships at work. Workplace participants learn to appreciate others’ differences and apply strategies for more satisfying interactions. Includes a research-validated, online assessment that produces a 20-page workplace-specific profile report that helps learners explore the priorities that drive them and identifies three key strategies—based on individual DiSC profiles—for increasing their effectiveness in working with other styles.
Everything DiSC Productive Conflict
Participants learn how to harness the power of conflict by transforming destructive behaviors, such as gossip, withdrawing and arguing – into productive responses. Includes a research-validated, online assessment that produces a 22-page Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict Profile that provides an in-depth, highly personalized report that highlights techniques to improve self-awareness around conflict behaviors.
Interaction Essentials
According to research by DDI, “56% of first-time leaders fail due to lack of interpersonal skills.” These are basic skills such as effective communication, listening, empathizing, and involving others, and these skills ensure that leaders build strong relationships with their team to get work done. Participants learn how to multiply their effectiveness as a leader by motivating team members and helping them be more effective.
Radical Candor
Radical Candor is about delivering feedback with high amounts of care, respect, and compassion AND high amounts of honesty, courage, and candor. Whereas most people tend to do more of one or the other, Radical Candor is about learning to do both at once. In this session, you will learn the importance of Radical Candor (based on the book by Kim Scott) and how to build skills to help you improve in this area.
Everything DiSC Sales
Provides salespeople with the skills to adapt to customers’ preferences and expectations. Participants discover their personal sales style and then learn to recalibrate to meet customers’ needs more successfully. Includes a research-validated, online assessment that produces a 23-page sales-specific profile report that helps salespeople understand their own DiSC sales style, learn how to read the styles of their customers, and provides useful insight for creating a specific action plan to make the sales process more effective and successful.
Leading Teams &
Managing People
Everything DiSC Management
Teaches managers to successfully engage, motivate and develop their people, along with managing up. Includes a research-validated, online assessment that produces a 27-page management-specific profile report that helps learners better understand: their approach to managing and developing others—their perspectives on directing and delegating, how DiSC style influences the factors that others find motivating, and insights for building strong relationships with their own managers.
Trust 101: Understanding Trust as a Foundational Attribute
Increase trust within and across teams by understanding that we get results by owning our responsibilities. Learn to reduce the impact of poor performance.
Trust 102: Developing Trust for a Higher Performing Team
Team members explore the qualities of a cohesive, high performing team and take steps to develop a foundation of trust. (Suggested complimentary sessions: Accountability and Collaboration)
Performance Management 101: Goal Setting & Alignment
Participants will explore performance & development process. They will learn to align performance and development to company strategies and goals. They learn to set, monitor and adjust OKR’s (goals) quarterly and they will practice check-in and feedback conversations.
Performance Management 102: Coaching and Feedback
Participants will learn the components and skills to drive effective 2-way performance conversations. They will review each type of performance conversation, understand why each is important and practice performance and development, check-in and feedback conversations.
We will focus on feedback and coaching skills and learn a proactive inquiry method that will help you conduct more effective development conversations with your employees. Learn a framework for delivering feedback that an individual can hear and act upon.
Coaching for Performance
Learning to use the GROW framework for conducting impactful coaching conversations; enhance two key coaching skills; observe coaching conversation in action; practice applying coaching skills during coaching conversations with peers; create an action plan for utilizing coaching to develop others.
Talent Development Conversations that Matter
Because employee engagement is an individual experience, it is accomplished through individual one-on-one conversations. Engaging employees in key conversations enables managers to tailor an employee’s experience, and as a result, boost employee engagement and productivity.
Build An Effective Board of Directors
Using an effective board of directors can be key to bringing innovation, new ideas, and appropriate “push-back” to your company. Whether you currently have a board or not, participants will be shown best practices in how to build, grow, and get the most benefit from your board of directors.
Operational Effectiveness
Creating a Culture of Accountability
Establish a mindset of accountability while building credibility to boost employee engagement and productivity. Understand that we get results by owning our responsibilities.
Delegating for Impact and Development
Managers learn the essentials of sharing responsibility – delegating, sharing authority, providing guidance, and following up in order to stretch an individual’s capability, while accomplishing business priorities.
Participants learn to work collaboratively, regardless of location, to jointly identify different perspectives, in search of solutions that consistently meet or exceed customer expectations. Participants will learn a process through which people who see different aspects of a problem can constructively explore their differences and search for solutions that go beyond their own limited vision of what’s possible.
Selecting Talent: Behavioral Interviewing Skills
Managers learn to conduct a behavioral interview confidently, to gather data that accurately predicts future job performance, and ensure a legally defensible interviewing process.
Business Transformation & Innovation
Change Management (101)
Defines Change Management and its critical role to ensure success when changes in human behavior are required. Discusses why focusing on the personal/emotional aspects of change are more important than the organizational aspects. Explains why ongoing engagement with stakeholders is critical throughout the lifecycle of a project, program or initiative. Introduces key principles, best practices, systematic framework, change elements and typical activities necessary to plan and manage effective, measurable and sustainable change. (Change Leadership & Change Assessment sessions are also available)
Accepting Change Part I
Participants gain understanding of their own change style preferences. Learn to appreciate and leverage insights from the Change Style Indicator Assessment to communicate and collaborate more effectively with others through a change initiative.
Accelerating through Change Transition Part II
Explore a three-stage model for transition and how to communicate and support others through transition and change; begin a work plan for managing the transition process associated with a current or upcoming change initiative.
Accelerating Change (102)
Develop the capability to lead your team through change by focusing on the few critical operational essentials. Gain proficiency using practical tools and frameworks to focus on the hard work of implementing change while accomplishing business objectives. Build understanding of the transition stages that support the human side of change initiatives.
Case Study Lessons From A Change Process That Really Works
Business transformation is the process of making fundamental changes in how business is conducted to accomplish strategic needs or goals. Whether your business is “stuck in a rut”, facing extreme competition, or finding it difficult to scale up and grow, participants will learn through case studies and real-life successes how to successfully transform your business.
Carver & Associates is based in Atlanta, Georgia, with offices in Florida, New Jersey, Montana, and Colorado.
(770) 560-1405
4645 Kempton Place, Marietta, GA 30067