How can you grow the EQ in your workplace and translate that into agility at scale?

The Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ program can certainly help, and it’s a great place to start. The program includes assessment and group training through the Everything DiSC® assessment, with a proven track record. This assessment looks for two primary personality characteristics: pace and skepticism. Then, Agile EQ™ evaluates employees and their individual alignments with the 8 EQ mindsets. 

Every program participant will receive an assessment and a 26-page results profile. Combining this with skilled facilitation from a group trainer gives every employee a clear path and professional guidance to enhancing their EQ. Suppose one employee demonstrates considerable empathy and offers a supportive ear for one-to-one issue resolution, but seems to struggle connecting with new hires and has difficulty networking at events. Their profile will provide them with a step-by-step approach, from beginner to advanced, to building their strength in the outgoing mindset. Alternatively, suppose a different employee is confident, resilient, and phenomenal at deflecting doubt, but has difficulty reaching compromise or negotiating with others. With the assessment and profile, this person will be able to see how this is diminishing their strengths and show them how adjusting their mindset could actually open them to new opportunities.

Agile EQ’s goal in the end is to empower participants at every level of an organization to understand and adopt the 8 mindsets, moving through them adaptably as needed to become agile workers. Everything DiSC’s program takes an optimistic view of this effort, even if it isn’t always easy, beginning with the EQ strengths that each employee starts from. The emphasis from there is on positive development, building EQ and agility like a muscle, with the necessary exercises detailed in the personalized assessment profile. 

This emphasis on positive development is what makes Agile EQ distinct from the many other emotional intelligence building platforms out there today. Scoring, diagnostics, and snapshots that provide a measure of EQ are common, but programs that offer a roadmap to improvement are rare. Agile EQ doesn’t just give its participants insight into their EQ strengths and weaknesses, but it also lays out clear, justified guidelines for improvements and gives precise steps for taking action. It’s a practical, systematic solution to a problem that can often seem ambiguous and intangible. 

The program focuses both on practical outcomes and personalized details, making it a powerful tool for both scalable and individual results. Based on each participant’s DiSC® style, their profile will provide them with their likely EQ strengths. However, it also takes things a step further, giving unique “effort meters” to each participant that show them the degree of challenge they face regarding each EQ mindset. This should give the employee a clear picture of what lies within their comfort zone and what does not. So, for example, even if two people have the same DiSC style, and even if they are identically located on the DiSC circumplex, their effort meters could report totally different results. Thus, something like receptiveness that may be easy for one employee could be difficult for the other, and this profile would identify that.

The Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ Mindsets

The 8 Agile EQ mindsets allow you to guide your actions and interactions according to the characteristics of each one. None of them is better or more valuable than another, but instead should be viewed as the appropriate mindsets for given circumstances. The goal should be to get comfortable with all of them and learn to adopt the ones that are best suited to your environment when you are making decisions or engaging in workplace interactions. 

  • Dynamic – Initiative, influence, and strong social presence 
  • Outgoing – Relationship building, expressive, and unfiltered
  • Empathizing – Compassionate, understanding, and supportive
  • Receptive – Open to others’ ideas, willing to compromise, and selfless
  • Composed – Reflection, moderation, and diplomacy, even in stressful situations
  • Objective – Logical, separating fact from feeling, focused
  • Resolute – Standing your ground, outspoken, and willing to push back against resistance
  • Self-Assured – Assertive and confident, takes charge, and knows self-worth

The Agile EQ platform is developed based on a half-day group training program. In this program, participants will develop a shared understanding of EQ, the 8 EQ mindsets, and the ways they can maximize their strengths and improve on their weaknesses.

Our careers, personal lives, and professional organizations are all limited by our unique weaknesses. The personalized profiles offered by Agile EQ, the innovative group learning platform, and the step-by-step action plans provided all help us identify these limits and then move past them. Even if it doesn’t feel natural to be outgoing, or to be empathetic, or to be assertive, Agile EQ can develop these mindsets into genuine, accessible tools to be moved into whenever circumstances call for it. 

In the ever-shifting, dynamic, and sometimes unprecedented workplaces of today, we need to be laser-focused on what’s coming up next. Is your organization prepared for new competition? What about industry disruption? What will be the next pandemic? An agile workforce doesn’t need to worry – it can adapt in real-time. Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ brings this power to the table, so that you’re ready for the future before it arrives.

Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ builds emotional intelligence, leading to an agile workplace culture. 

The training program includes DiSC® personalized insights, personalized emotional intelligence evaluations, and development plans for each participant. The EQ strengths, opportunities, and unique paths to comfort zone expansion will be fully explored, resulting in a future-proof, emotionally intelligent, agile workforce. 

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Lastly, if you’d like to watch an on-demand webinar on how to develop the EQ necessary to support your thriving agile culture with Everything DiSC Agile EQ, learn more here: